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Lt Cdr Pete Sheppard

Every now and then, we get to meet some pretty special people here at Classic Air Force. Today was one of those days....

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Amazing and awsome

The former Omani Air Force jet did a sortie around Cornwall flying at altitudes of 500 - 5000 feet at high speeds....

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Mach 2 Beast!

At last it can be told! We'll shortly be taking delivery of possibly the most spectacular icon of the fifties - nothing less tha...

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July Meteor Magazine

The July issue of Meteor has gone to press. Every issue is a difficult birth, but it's a job I look forward to every quarter....

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JP3 back in Newquay

Our Jet Provost arrived back in Newquay today....

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Geoff Ogden

Geoff Ogden

17/06/2014 20:36:13

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Gold member arrives in style

Our Jet Provost arrived back in Newquay today. Gold member Darren Robinson from Cardiff arrived with Chief pilot Jon Corley after a fantastic ninety minute flight. Blue Cornish skies greeted Darren - plus a group of enthusiasts that had come here to see the arrival. "Completely mind blowing" were Darren's first words when asked about the flight.

Some fantastic air to air photographs were also taken en-route - so keep an eye on our Facebook pages. If you would like to become a gold member - and possibly get to fly in one of our classics, here is the link on our website:

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